our story

今から約240年前。 1782年(天明二年)から「ささや」は水飴の製造を営んでおり、日本橋より現在の場所に移ってきてからは目の前の「大横川」を使って商品を各地に卸していました。200年以上が経って大横川は公園へと姿を変え、ささやの創業からちょうど230年後の2012年にはすぐそばに東京スカイツリーが建ちました。
The SASAYA CAFE story began 240 years ago from today.
Our family started producing starch syrup in Nihonbashi in 1782, and later, we moved to this Yokokawa area for expanding the business.
Ohyokokawa Water Park located just in front of our cafe, used to be a river named Ohyokokawa, and we used it for shipping the product until around 1940s.
After shutting down the syrup factory in late 1950s, we restarted the business using the factory buildings as warehouse storages.
In 2012, after 230 years of our foundation, Tokyo Skytree opened as a new landmark of Tokyo in our neighborhood community. None of our original factory buildings exist today; however, we are still running warehouse business while renovating the property and opening a theater and a gallery space for art performances and theatrical workshops. SASAYA CAFE is very spacious with high ceiling which made for a pleasant and relaxing experience, and it opened its doors in 2013 and has been serving delicious wholesome vegan food without compromising quality.